This is another fairly common indian spice that was first found being traded at a port in sri lanka somewhere during 900-1100 ce. However, it is native to the molucca islands which is now a part of indonesia. Cloves contain a very distinctive kind of a sweet smell with an equally sweet-spicy flavor.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

This spice is also known as the “queen of spices” in india, its country of origin. Cardamom has a strong, pungent flavor that has subtle hints of lemon and mint. Interestingly, it is a very versatile spice so it can be used to intensify both sweet and savoryflavors. There are two types of cardamom that are typically used in indian cooking, as well as all over the world: green and black.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

Also known as wild cumin, caraway is a biennial plant that belongs to the apiaceae family. It is native to north africa, western asia and europe.
Caraway seeds are most commonly used in the preparation of rye bread due to their warm, biting flavor and a sharp, pungent aroma that is highly similar to the aroma of dill. You may also find this spice being used in deserts, casseroles, and caraway seed cakes.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

Tej patta. Indian bay leaves are also known as tej patta which translates as 'pungent leaf' or malabar leaf. They are not to be confused with the european laurel bay leaves more commonly used in mediterranean cuisine!
Available SKU
25g, 50g,

Mace Javitri is the crimson or bright red coloured spice. It is used in recipes which are delicately flavoured. Mace should be added at the beginning of cooking in order to develop its full flavour. It gives a light orange hue to the recipes and can be used in cooking sauces, curries, pickles and ketchup
Available SKU
25g, 50g,

The fenugreek seeds are small, caramel-colored, pebble-shaped wheat kernels that are extremely popular for their taste and aroma in middle eastern and indian cuisines. They consist of a nutty bittersweet flavor that is more towards the pungent side. They also have a subtle spicy aroma with a butterscotch-type flavor undertone.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

Coriander produces natural citrus flavors when ground up. It is especially common with chicken-based dishes.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

Celery seed is usually ground up into salt, and can then be added to many dishes for a concentrated taste of celery.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

Also called “the fish herb” in italy and france, fennel seed is found in two main varieties. The first is bitter fennel which has a licorice-like aroma and a slightly sweet flavor profile. The other variety is sweet fennel, which, as the name suggests has a really sweet, nutty aroma and taste.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g

These are dried leaves of fenugreek plant. Indigenously it is known as kasoori methi. It is at the top choice of chef’s ingredients list for flavoring any dish.
Available SKU
25g, 50g, 100g, 200g